*Latest Posts* New Year – Naked Me, Moonshadow: Things Won’t Always be Clearer in the Morning, Don’t Fail Me Now, Riders On The Storm – Repeating Pattern Repeating, 10,000 Steps: Why Your Dog Has a Better Life Than You Do
Cursed: Dance of the Last Symphony, How to Be Survivors Like the War Generation, How To Become a Relationship Terminator
For fun: Being Alive is Risky Enough, Isn’t It?, Get Out of the Box or Die Tryin’.
Feeling discouraged by the state of the world? 100 Seconds to Midnight: How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, or Get Your Head on Straight: How History Can Give You Perspective
Getting Prepared and feeling a sense of control: Budgets Help You Gain Control in a Crazy World, The Skyscraper Index is Off the Charts and There’s a New World Order a Comin’! How to make your money go further
I like comfort as much as any hobbit ever did.
I would gladly eschew the pursuit of a Smaug so that I could quietly and happily go about my own business. Generally, I leave the killing of monsters and beasts to my adventurous cousins and to warriors of every stripe and am content to read about their exploits and relish in their victories from afar.
But here I am, forced to go on a most uncomfortable adventure alone and to try to be as brave as any warrior ever was! Fighting Like Hell for My Happy Fairy Tale Ending.
April 2014…and April 2015
I went through a sudden break-up with the man that I had been with since I was 16 years old. I lost my marriage and partner, my family unit, my home, and the relatives on his side of the family who had been my family for over 30 years.
A year later, nearly to the day, I lost a job I loved. Security = gone
So this is Why I Recommend MacDonald’s For Valentine’s Day.
I Need Help NOW
No one should have to go through life altering events like divorce or being fired or through any other loss without having the experiences of others as a guiding light out of the darkness.
Start with some of my early struggles if you’re fresh into loss. Or dive right into Bullies and Bastards: How to Get Fired and End Up Alone.
I created another life eventually.
Sometimes it was hilariously fun…and sometimes it was painfully sad.
Then it all ended, just like seven years earlier…
My three year relationship died in August 2021.
Getting Axed for Refusing the Vax!
I got fired in November of 2021. Being an exceptionally helpful and efficient employee doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all about your medical status and how well you follow authoritarian rule now. Darkest days of Mordor, indeed.
I did a lot of research before I made my decision to remain vaccine free. Here are a few articles from 2021: SPIT OUT THE BLUE PILL: How Big Pharma Funds Research & Nearly Everyone Except You is Making Money Off It , Media Propaganda is Just Bad News, Big Pharma Pays for the Science & They Don’t Care if You Live or Die.
What was it like to be vilified and ostracized by society? Angry posts alert!: Welcome Dirty Unvaxxed: 7 Ways to Feel Better Today, Who is Really Selfish Here, Vaccination: the 24/7 Helmet You Can Never Remove and Trust Science & Medicine? Not Always and Never Blindly.
On FREEDOM: Rumble in the Belly: Freedom Convoy 2022
Focusing on the positive: 5 Great Things About Getting Fired & Starting Over for the 22nd Time
Think Differently? Make Personal Decisions that Differ from the Mainstream?
Being an outsider is not new for me and watching an interview with Logan Albright on Free the People inspired this post: Conform or Be Cast Out: Have Courage Unvaccinated Friends.
Wondering how friends, co-workers, and even family could treat me the way they did got me thinking: Why so Heartless? 8 Ways “Groupthink” Makes You a Victim. Or maybe I have too many expectations from my relationships. Why Keep Score? A Quick Way to Find Out Who is Important in Your Life examines that thought.
Money, Money, Money
I have a rich (pardon the pun) and storied history with money. Losing my job got me thinking about all the times I’ve been broke and had to stretch a dollar: Does Big Hair Make You Resilient?
Anyone around in the 80s remembers the Recession. Ideas on saving money here: How to Choose a Winning Environment
And practical ideas for stretching your dollar:
How to Make Your Money Go Further – Part 1
How to Make Your Money Go Further – Part 2
How to Make Your Money Go Further – Part 3
How to Make Your Money Go Further – Part 4
No Income: How to Survive Being Fired by Renting to Others
Spiritual Much?
It’s weird that things in my life have played out almost the exact way, in the same order as 2014 and 2015. Is someone trying to tell me something?
I feel lucky to have a belief in something greater than myself which has really helped me over the past few hellish years. OK, so my spiritual beliefs are somewhat unconventional. For example, I’m pretty sure I saw Jesus once – he was sitting on a log and wearing a pair of cords. You can read that story in The Stories I Tell: The Truth is “Out There” . I have also started taking Advice From the Voices in My Head – Part 1!
Again, I hope you find something in my writing to comfort you, make you laugh, or wake you up to different ideas. I hope you reach out.
~Kathleen Kelly