Flipped someone the bird. Or tried to. Not sure I used the right finger. F*CK. That’s how it is with me. I haven’t used this gesture in years. Mostly not…
Apparently, the first step in forgiving others is to “Be honest with yourself about your anger and hurt, and assess the full damage the injustice has caused in your life.”…
There are so many things we don’t know about the human body and how it works. If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is that the immune system…
It's been nearly two months since I was fired. I’ve had moments of near terror where I cannot seem to move or do much of anything. But then, I suddenly…
Here’s something I don’t like to think about – my “class.” Being Canadian, there seems to be a kind of denial that a hierarchy of class exists. After all, we’re…
On the bridge we waited for the Freedom Convoy of truckers to drive by. We were a motley group with nothing in common except the desire to end all government…
At three in the morning, I was awake thinking – again. I was remembering how my ex kept score of everything. If he did someone a favour, he’d put that…