It’s not every day that you find out how much money you’re actually worth. Turns out, as an employee, I am worth $25,000,000. My employer needed another financial grant from…
I Received a Gift The world is a miraculous place. This week, I have been reminded of this by listening to Led Zeppelin's fourth album and finding meaning from signs…
All my life I have made excuses whenever I’ve run into a person who said rude or hurtful things to me or someone I loved. Whenever someone acted mean-spirited, I…
Alfred E. Neuman for President Every day on my iPad I am served up an array of alarming events taking place around the world. Some of these, like the uprising…
I made my annual camping trip to visit my aging parents this past weekend. The stress leading up to it was far worse than the actual event. I am always…
Eating Crow From Bonnie’s Books I had a conversation with someone recently about how we are starting to see and hear about people with strange and disturbing side effects from…